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Determined to invigorate the character’s voices and storyline for ShapeShifter: A Comanche Musical, it was Apryl’s original intention to write a children’s storybook, solely for her own use as a guide. To her surprise, the book took on a life of its own and (separate from the musical) shapeshifted into a young adult fantasy novel . . .

The first book in the series takes place in Oklahoma on the very land where Apryl’s ancestors were forced to relocate. Relatives names transformed into characters and the narrative has become a magical storytelling whose medicine cleverly interweaves histories from family and Comanche accounts. In the end her Comanche lineage has morphed into a world of talking animals and mysterious creatures where her teenage protagonist, named after Apryl’s great-grandmother, must untangle a labyrinth of secrets that intertwine the past, present, and future before the world as she knows it . . . vanishes.

Apryl has recently been signed by Lisa Gallagher of DeFiore & Company Literary Management in New York. The manuscript for the first book in the series is currently being read exclusively by publishers and its title will be announced upon publication.

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