

Past. Present. Future.

It takes place simultaneously.

Exhilarating. Giddy. Nerve-wracking. Poignant.

I equate life to a pendulum. It swings one way and almost shatters you. But then it stops, and momentarily you’re held motionless. Then it swings in the opposite direction. It awakens your senses. You hold tight. Throw your head back. The thrill of the momentum. When you reach its pinnacle you experience a flash of weightlessness, and you wait.

You hope. You pray. You dream. You believe. You feel the exhilaration. The anticipation builds—what will greet you this time? Whatever it is, for a moment you’re held lifeless, unmoving yet alive. You catch your breath and… breathe. Then you swing again.

I laugh. I cry. I scream. I love.

Tell me… how do you experience LIFE?