The Unwanted Visitor

In Boston I slept in their basement on a sofa sleeper, and an upright piano stood near the make-shift bed—it was love at first sight. I remember the afternoon as if it were yesterday . . .

I open a window for fresh air, then allow my fingers to briefly dance across the black and white keys. That is until my name’s called.

Returning later that night, I close the window and climb into bed. I’m between two worlds when—thunk—it lands next to my head. It then scratches its way to the edge of the bed and—clonk—it hits the floor. Their cat—I prefer dogs—wants to join my slumber and I call out and pat the mattress. No sound, no movement. Fine, be that way, and I drift off to another world.

Suddenly, the sound of claws on fabric alarms me—the furry beast has found my lace dress in the closet. I call out to the small lioness and reach for the snaky one-armed desk lamp. Positioning its head, I aim its light into the closet, and everything goes silent.

But then, as if in defiance, its claws slide down fabric. Urgency takes over and I grab a near-by throw pillow and hurl it into the open closet. Silence. Another small pillow is flung and to my horror a furry orb fly’s out. Its target . . . me!

Taking cover, I fall back on the bed and pull a sheet over my head while pleas for safety escape my lips. That’s when the black winged creature lands on my mouth and scratches at the sheet! Throwing the bedsheet in the opposite direction I race up three flights of stairs to the master suite.

The doors open and without thinking I slide into their room. I’m mortified—they’re naked in bed, but thankfully asleep. I back up into the doorway and softly whimper. The starchy wife nudges her husband—something’s wrong with the girl.

Now robed and armed with a broom, I follow the husband down the many steps. When we arrive, he takes a stab at fencing and slashes at my clothes in the closet. Nothing. Whatever it was is gone. At this point my adrenaline’s spiked and for the rest of the night I lie awake . . . waiting.  

Their daughters ring me the next day. Mommy saw it and threw their beloved cat into the closet with THE UNWANTED VISITOR and closed the door. She said it was just a BAT.